Creating a survey


Note: Surveys are a powerful tool for gathering feedback. Make sure the questions are clear and concise for the best responses.

Platform: Desktop

  1. Follow the initial steps of writing a message, choosing Survey at step 4.
  2. Click on Add Question and select the type of question:
    • Multiple Choice (One Selection): Provide multiple answers, with one selection possible.
    • Multiple Choice (Multiple Selections): Offer multiple answers, allowing more than one selection.
    • Open Question: Participants can write their own answer.
    • File Upload Request: Ask for file uploads; these will be added to a separate folder.
    • Rating: Request a rating from one to five stars.
  3. Choose which users can see the survey results. Select All Users for public visibility or Private for limited visibility.
  4. Decide who should fill in the survey: Individual User for every user in a company or Company for one response per company.
  5. Set a closing date and time for the survey if needed. Otherwise, you can close or reopen it anytime.